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Thank you, we have received your information and we will proceed within 12 hours to process it.

Remember that we do not respond to forms that do not contain the requested information


Our Company Information?

  • You will receive it after the verification of your information


What Will Happen Now?

  • We verify the information

  • We contact you by WhatsApp or telegram  to pass you the rates and we explain the benefits you will have by integrating to the platform as well as the support areas that it has, the medical marketing plan and other details of your interest

  • If you agree to join, you will choose a plan and we will apply the information


When do you pay?

  • Upon formalizing the integration we proceed to the application and corrected by you and  in the air they will communicate for the collection management


Payment in advance?

  • NOT in the countries where we have commercial representation


Where do you get my information?

  • We will coordinate with you once the selected plan is formalized



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