Doctor Roque Pinilla
Orthopedic Surgeon and Traumatologist
Sub Specialty in Joint Replacement
Country: Panama
Telemedicine - Face-to-face
Valoración de 135 Pacientes Atendidos
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Traumatology is commonly associated with the management of traumatic injuries, in fact the name of this specialty is derived from there. These include fractures, sprains, dislocations, ligament and tendon ruptures, muscle strains and tears, cartilage injuries such as the menisci, among others.
However, this branch of medicine is also in charge of the evaluation degenerative lesions of the musculoskeletal system that occur unrelated to trauma, such as osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, chondrocalcinosis, illness of Paget's bone, lesions of the menisci and intervertebral discs.
It also includes what is related to orthopedics, which corresponds to a science in charge of diagnosing, correcting and preventing injuries related to deformities that occur in different bone structures, congenitally or acquired, especially in the kids.
Sin embargo, esta rama de la medicina también tiene a su cargo la evaluación de lesiones degenerativas del aparato locomotor que ocurren sin relación con traumatismos, como son la artrosis, osteoporosis, condrocalcinosis, enfermedad de Paget del hueso, lesiones de los meniscos y de los discos intervertebrales.
Incluye además lo relacionado con la ortopedia, que corresponde a una ciencia encargada de diagnostica, corregir y prevenir las lesiones relacionadas con las deformidades que ocurren en las distintas estructuras óseas, de forma congénita o adquirida, en especial en los niños.